Réseau Poésie Augustéenne

Publications 2022

  • Bessone, F., “Oggetti di un discorso amoroso. La retorica delle cose nell’elegia al femminile delle Heroides”, in H. Harich-Schwarzbauer und C. Scheidegger-Lämmle (eds), Women and Objects in Antiquity, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier (‘IPHIS: Gender Studies in den Altertumswissenschaften / Beiträge zur altertumswissenschaftlichen Genderforschung’, 12, 2022, 81-108.
  • Bessone, F., “Autofiction al femminile. Effetti di genere e arte del raccontare in Ovidio”, in L. Cordes und Th. Fuhrer (eds), The Gendered I in Ancient Literature. Modelling Gender in First-Person Discourse, De Gruyter (Philologus - Supplemente / Supplementary Volumes, 18), 2022, 309-30.
  • Fabre-Serris, J., “Literary models and social challenges: Marital love according to Ovid in the Tristia and Epistulae ex Ponto”, in C.-E. Centlivres Challet (eds), Married Life in Greco-Roman Antiquity, Routledge, 2022, 76-89.
  • Fabre-Serris, J., De cultu puellarum. Modélisation et enjeux de la toilette des femmes selon les élégiaques (Tib.3.8, Properce 1.2, Ovide)”, in H. Harich-Schwarbauer und C. Scheidegger Lämmle (eds), Women and Objects in Antiquity, Beiträge zur altertumswissenschaftlichen Genderforschung, B.D. 12, Trier, 2022, 171-8.
  • Fabre-Serris, J., “Enquête sur l’identité du ‘Je’ féminin de l’élégie 3.11 du Corpus Tibullianum. Méthodes et conjonctures”, in L. Cordes und T. Fuhrer (eds), The Gendered ‘I” in ancient literature. Modelling gender in first-person discourse, Philologus, Supplementary volume 18, 2022, 257-81.
  • Fabre-Serris, J., “Sulpicia” in C. Urlacher- Becht (ed), Le Dictionnaire de l’épigramme littéraire dans l’Antiquité grecque et romaine, Brepols, tome 2, 2022, 1407-10.
  • Franklinos, T. E., “Henry James’ “The Middle Years” (1893) and Its Vergilian Undercurrents”, Henry James Review 43, 2022, 164–77.
  • Franklinos, T. E., “Ovid’s Fasti in Exile”, Classical Quarterly 72, 2022.
  • Gibson, R.K., “Ovid’s Ars Amatoria and the Epicurean hedonic calculus”, in G. K. Volks and Williams (eds), Ovidius Philosophus: Ovid the Philosopher and Philosophy in Ovid (OUP New York), 2022.
  • Gibson, R.K., “Ovid’s Ars Amatoria and the Epicurean hedonic calculus”, in G. K. Volks and Williams (eds), Ovidius Philosophus: Ovid the Philosopher and Philosophy in Ovid (OUP New York), 2022.
  • Hallett, J.P., “The Gender and Third Person Parameter in the Shaping of First-Person Discourse in Roman Literature,” in Cordes, L. and Fuhrer; T. (eds), The Gendered I in Ancient Literature: Modelling Gender in First Person Discourse, Philologus, Supplementary volume 18, 2022, 11-23.
  • Harrison, S., “Dramatic Narrative in Epic: Aeneas’ Eyewitness Account of the Fall of Troy in Virgil, Aeneid 2’, in M. de Bakker, B. van der Berg and J. Klooster (eds), Emotions and Narrative in Ancient Literature and Beyond: Studies in Honour of Irene de Jong, Brill, 2022, 540-53.
  • Harrison, S., “Two Laureates’ Georgics: Virgilian Translations by Dryden and Wordsworth”, in C.Serracino (ed.), Ardet amans: Essays in honour of Horatio Caesar Roger Vella, Sta Venera, Malta, 2022, 201-15.
  • Harrison, S., “Horace and Ovid in Matthew Lewis’s The Monk (1796)”, in F. Lourenço & S. Marques Pereira (eds.), Miscelânea de Estudos em Honra de Maria de Fátima Silva (2 vols), Coimbra, Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2022, 249-74.
  • Klein, F., “Marguerite Yourcenar’s ‘Feminism’ and the Ambivalence of Ovidien Models in Feux”, in F. Cox et H. Taylor (eds), Ovid in French. Reception by Women from the Renaissance to the Present, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2022, 188-219.
  • Lowrie, M., “The Force of Literature,” in I. Ziogas and E. Bexley (eds), Roman Law and Latin Literature. Bloomsbury, London 2022, 25-44. 
  • Rosati, G., Ovidio e il teatro del piacere. Il corpo, lo sguardo, il desiderio, Roma, Carocci, 2022.
  • Rosati, G., “Commenting on an Ovidian Model: An Authorized Desertion in Silvae 1.2”, in A. Lóio (ed), Editing and Commenting on Statius’ Silvae, Leiden, Brill, 2022, 185-96.
  • Sharrock, A., “Living to tell the tale: male and female first-person narrators of metamorphosis”, in T. Fuhrer and L. Cordes (eds), The Gendered ‘I’ in Ancient Literature, Berlin, de Gruyter, 2022, 283-306.
  • Sharrock, A., “The Metamorphosis of Things: women and objects in Ovid”, in H. Harich-Schwarzbauer und C. Scheidegger-Lämmle (eds), Women and Objects in Antiquity, Trier, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier (‘IPHIS: Gender Studies in den Altertumswissenschaften / Beiträge zur altertumswissenschaftlichen Genderforschung’, 12, 2022.